Vladimir Sukonnik

Master Instructor in Computer Science

Boston University Metropolitan College
Computer Science Department
Boston, MA

Spring 2000 Courses

Academic Calendar 1999-2000

CS 635 Local Area Networks: Design and Implementation


Homeworks:  Always due in the next class. Must be typed and emailed to me before the class(always save a copy of the sent item stamped with the date). No late homeworks allowed. No make ups.

Rules for submitting homework:

  1. Please submit your homework as PLAIN TEXT whenever possible. Word documents take up a lot of space.
  2. Include your name and the homework # in the BODY of the message, as well as the SUBJECT LINE of the mail message. For example, MET TS 635 - HW1
  3. If you are sending an attachment, used the following format for the file name: HW#_BU ID, for example: HW2_U12345678.doc

Fall 1999 Courses

CS 535 Data Communications and Computer Networks

CS 635 Local Area Networks: Design and Implementation

The following information applies to both courses


Homeworks:  Always due in the next class. Must be typed and emailed to me before the class(always save a copy of the sent item stamped with the date). No late homeworks allowed. No make ups.

Rules for submitting homework:

  1. Please submit your homework as PLAIN TEXT whenever possible. Word documents take up a lot of space.
  2. Include your name, student ID and the homework # in the BODY of the message, as well as the SUBJECT LINE of the mail message. For example, MET CS 535 - HW1 - BU ID #,
  3. If you are sending an attachment, used the following format for the file name: HW#_BU ID, for example: HW2_U12345678.doc