Asynchronous and Synchronous Transmission
Two techniques are used by the DLC to provide timing and proper reception of the
traffic at the receiver:
- Asynchronous transmission : each data byte has start and stop bits (i.e. synchronizing
signals) placed around it. The puprpose is to a) alert the receiver that data are arriving
b) to give the receiver sufficient time to perform certain timing functions before the
next character arrives. Widely used because equipment is relatively inexpensive. Most PCs
use asynchronous interfaces. Loose timing is allowed because the inaccurace can be
corrected with the net arriving character.
- Synchronous transmission - eliminates the intermittent start/stop signals around each
character and provide signals that precede and sometimes follow the user data stream. The
principal function is to alert the receiver to an incoming frame and to provide a means to
determine when all bits in the frame have been transmitted. This process is called
- Async transmission is cost effective for low-speed and low-volume transmissions such as
those from keyboard entry terminals. For larger volumes, sync transmission is more
Assume a 128-byte user block to
be transmitted:
Asynchronous |
Synchronous |
2 (start/stop)/8 = 0.25 |
6(bytes of control overhead)*8 bits = 48 bits
128 (bytes of data) * 8 bits = 1024 bits
48/1024 = 0.46 |
25% Overhead
4.6% Overhead
Synchronous Link Protocols
- Character Oriented Protocols - developed in 1960s, remain in use today, although
limited.Protocols rely on a specific code set (ASCII, EBCDIC) to interpret the control
fields; thus they are code dependent. Communicating systems must recognize the same code
set in order to communicate. Need special "transpacrency" characters to deal
with control characters in the data stream (give examples DLE)
- Count Oriented Protocols - developed in 1970s to address code dependency problem. These
protocols are more effective in handling of user data transparency: they insert a count
field at the transmitting station. This field specifies the length of the user data field,
and as a consequence the receiver does not have examine the user data field.
Count-oriented protocols may encounter problems when the signals are transmitted across a
digitial link. A digitial system may delete a frame to recover clocks and
resynchronize, it may also insert timing/control data into the transmission.
- Bit Oriented Protocols - developed in the 1970s and are now prevalent throughout the
industry. Does not rely on specific codes (ASCII or EBCDIC) for line control.Individual
bits within an octet are set to effeect control functions. An eight-bit flag pattern of
011111110 is the usual flag value. It is generated at the beginning and end of a
transmission.. Bit stuffing is used to deal with similar pattern occuring in the data
Function of Timers
Many link control protocols uyse timers in conjunction with logic states to verify that
an event occurs within a prescribed time.
When a transmitting station sends a frame onto the channe, it starts a timer and enters
a wait state. The value of the timer, T1, is set to expiure if the receiving station does
not respond to the transmitted frame within the set period. The value of T1 depends on :
- Round-trip propagation delay of the signal
- The processing time at the receiver
- Transmission time of the acknowledging frame
- Possible queue and processing time at the transmitter when it receives the ack frame
The receiving station may use a parameter T2 in conjunction with T1. Its value is set
to ensure an acknowledgement frame is sent to the transmitting station before the T1 at
the transitter expires. This action precludes the transmitter from resending frames
T1T >= T2R +
PD + FPTr +TTcur +TTack
T2r <= T1t -PD - FPTr
-TTcur -TTack -FPTt
Where: T is the transmitter; R is the receiver; PD is the round-trip propagation delay;
FTP is the frame processing time; TTack is the transmission
time of the acknowledgement frame; TTcur is the time to
complete thte transmission of the ongoing frames that already are in the transmit queue
and cannot be pushed down into the queue.
Other timer include:
- Poll timers: defines the time iinterval during which a polling station shall expect to
receive a response
- NAK timer: defines the time interval during which a rejecting station shall expect a
reply to its reject frame
- Link set-up timer: defines the time interval during wchih a transmitting station shall
expect a reply to its link set-up command frame
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